Monday, October 31, 2011

Alien Model and Rigging Update

Hello Everyone!

So here is my completed alien model. I've made quite a few changes to him since the last time I posted. I've already sent him to my rigger, Sean Manning, and I might make some last minute changes before he starts the rigging.

So far, here's what I did. If you've noticed, I changed up his hind legs quite a bit, making them more squirrel and ferret-like. Before they resembled a very weak chicken leg, which wouldn't me conducive for rigging. I went ahead and lengthened the bone a bit in the front and made it larger. Now for the other changes. I made his claws more menacing, rounded out the tail more, made him skinnier, fixes his neck. perked up his ears, and made some other proportional changes. Take a look!

Anything else I should change or add before it's finalized? Suggest away!

In addition, the body of my spaceman is rigged. As of now, I've already narrowed down a facial rigger for him.

I'll keep you updated!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Model and Rigging Update


So I'm just finishing up on the body for my alien. Here is the head and I should connect it with the body by tonight. Pretty much done!

I'm having trouble with the back leg and making it less 'cat-like' and more 'ferret-like'. What do you guys think? Here are some reference images of ferrets:

And a side profile of a cat:


And finally - Rigging. Here is some work in progress shots. Lisa is doing an awesome job!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Alien Model Update + Music


I was able to accomplish a lot this week. I began work on my alien head and am going to use a ferret body I found on Turbosquid as his body. I should be able to finish that up this week and then get started on my spaceship model. By the start of next week, I'll send off my model to Sean Manning so that he can begin rigging. Here are some pictures:

In terms of my rigging, it's going much faster than I anticipated. Lisa Anderson said that she'll be able to complete everything by November, right on schedule, and I can then begin animating from there.


I'm also very excited for my music! I'm basically going for more of a orchestral, slow-moving style with bits and pieces of percussion intertwined. I've also looked into 3 composers I am interested in, some part of SMPTV and one who graduated from USC last year. I've already emailed them and I should make my selection sometime soon.

So in terms of the musical style, I'm thinking of a mix between two of my favorite composers, Thomas Newman and John Powell. Newman composed a number of major films including my favorite, WALL-E. Here is musical selection from the movie I'm going for:

John Powell scored the amazing soundtrack for the film, How to Train Your Dragon. I really can relate this movie to my own because Toothless, the dragon, resembles my own small alien creature in a way. Also, the music in this film is phenomenal. It perfectly matches and enhances the overall visuals, which something that I want the music to do for my own.

This powerful scene really echos standoff between my astronaut and alien:

The music in this scene would go well with the bonding between the two:

And of course, the lovely 'Forbidden Friendship' scene would really relate:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Updated Schedule

Here is my most recent schedule. You can also view it under the 'Schedule' tab.
Sean Newton Schedule

Monday, October 10, 2011

Moving Along (Slowly)

Hey guys!

What's been happening
So I was able to finish up my astronaut this week and send him off to my rigger. The rigger sent me back a few notes on correcting my edge loops and I'll be able to make the changes and send it off to her tonight. I'm also going in and correcting the shape of the arms and legs, making them look more proportional.

I was camping all this weekend and had a blast! Only problem is that I didn't get any work done. So in terms of my schedule, I am somewhat behind because I'm supposed to be finished with all of my models this week. But so far, I've only been able to complete my astronaut.

Here's what I need to do. I need to begin modeling my small alien this week starting today, Monday, and finish him up by the end of this week. Once done modeling him, I'll send it off to my rigger. After that, I'll most likely begin modeling my larger alien next week and my spaceship after that. So in 2 weeks I should have all of my characters modeled. Also on my schedule I'm supposed to be modeling my spaceship now but will definitely have to postpone that until next week.

I need to finish modeling in time for my basic animation, which is supposed to begin early November after which all of the characters are rigged. I have allowed enough time for my riggers to complete the other characters and I could give them a couple more weeks if needed. I only really need my astronaut rigged by the end of this month.

EDIT: I've already sent the model to the rigger and here are some pictures. In addition to adding more edge loops around joints and straightening them out, I tweaked the hands and arms so that they are more proportional. I also bent the legs a bit more so it would be easier to rig.

Now that this is done, on to the alien! Thankfully I have all this week to work so I should be able to get back on track.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Final Model + Revised Animatic

Hey guys here is the final model for the spaceman and it's already sent off to the rigger. I added the wavy haircut, a device on his chest, and a right-handed wristwatch monitor. What do you think?

And here is my most recent revised animatic. Any recommendations?