Monday, September 19, 2011

Revised Animatic + Modeling Update

Hey guys, so here is the rundown:

So I was able to get some more face modeling of my astronaut in this week, but not enough. I'm spending more time on the face than I had initially planned, but probably because I'm still learning how to actually model. Didn't know it was this challenging! Hopefully I'll be able to complete his body this week and then begin to work on the small alien. If I have all of the modeling done by early October, I should be on schedule in time for the rigging.

In addition to the modeling, I've been devoting some time to my animatic. Don't be expecting anything spectacular. It's just going to be some really rough blocking. If I have time, I can clean it up a bit more in preparation for next week's class. I'll post some pictures of the modeling process later today. But here is a sneak-peak!

And here is the animatic for this week:

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Model is coming along!
    Can't wait to see the body :)
