Monday, November 7, 2011

Spaceship Update

Hey guys,

So my alien is finished and was sent off for rigging this week. I had to tweak some edge loops and added some where the joints will bend. I also made some proportional changes where needed.

I'm still debating whether to use The Face Machine for the rigging of my astronaut face. The software itself would cost around $60 and it would be a very easy learning curve. Unlike Face Robot for Softimage, this would integrate more easily with Maya. Either I do the rig myself or possibly turn to someone to do it for me. A link to the website:


Anyways, here is a modeling update of my spaceship. I'm currently working on the hull and should be finished with that this week.

1 comment:

  1. Cool looking space ship Sean! Can't wait to see it moving through space. Will it have a fire propulsion of some sort blasting from the rear engine?

    The model is looking good, with some nice smooth organic curves. One suggestion I have, you may want to round out the front corners of the glass cockpit. They contrast the organic feel of the rest of the ship since they are such sharp corners.
