Monday, January 30, 2012

Some Texturing Here and There...

Hi guys,
I apologize for not posting earlier. It's been a very hectic day. Anyways, this week I just finished up on texturing my rocks and spaceship. Here are some pictures:

I've really tried concentrating on the different varieties of rocks that would exist on this alien planet. They are all oddly shaped and weirdly colored. It's always fun coming up with these wacky designs.

Some test renders of the planet surface. I've realized how inredibly long it took some of these images to render, mostly because of the texturing and bump/spec maps on the rocks. I'll tone these down during the final render of my scenes.

And I know I posted this in my previous post, but it turns out I finished texturing it entirely this week. Here is my textured spaceship.

And I'm just finishing up on completing my 7 shots of animation this week as well. I'll keep ya updated!

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